This entire project was originally created by Diego Toda de Oliveira. I loved the template so much, I decided to clone it, remove the more complex/particular sections, and add a few of my own to make it a more complete template. The following text is all by Diego.
This is a simple style guide to get a project started. It contains some basic styles for Typography in general, buttons, and a few components. I usually don't overdo more than that since every project is unique. But a good approach in general is:
All sizes (font size, spacing, etc) on this template are based on a 8px grid system. You can find some references about this system here and here. I prefer to use px to set up the base unit and EMs to define the sizes and scale.
Basically it works like this:
REM is awesome and is your friend. But I prefer to use EMs as a size unit because it allows you to set the scale of your components individually, since it's relative to the parent element, not the root element.
Consider this scenario: you have a box component, which all elements are sized using EMs. On mobile, the component feels too small. How do you fix that?